Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Evolution Vs. God Trailer

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jumping Jack In The Forest

As I was walking in the forest with my grandson Jack, I started telling him about some of the creatures there when...

It seems like I spend most of my time just searching for food, worms primarily. Oh you know, sometimes I switch up with Bert, my husband and look for twigs and what not, you know, for nest building and stuff. All in all it's not so bad really. I know plenty of critters out here who have things a lot tougher, know what I mean.

Like look at Mr. Beaver over there, his name is actually Artie but I like to keep it formal, know what I mean? Anyway, he has  a real time of it as he is always on the go, dive, dive, dive, swim, swim, swim. He never stops! I mean, he has his wife and kids, his whole darn family, that's all they ever do is work, building dams. Gather logs, gather twigs, mushy leaves and all.

Then there are those silly squirrels, Sally and Stu. Now those folks are silly. They scurry around for months at a time, working their tails off then they knock off for a few weeks and you never see them. They act kind of like the old fellow of the forest, Bertrand Bear. Now that boy keeps some really strange hours, days and weeks!
You will see him every now and then, roaring at something or other then, just like that, he's gone for months at a time. My dear friend Mable Mocking Bird, why she told me he is off hibernating. Whatever it is, I sure hope it isn't catchy, like some communicable disease, you know.

Well anyway, time to go. Got mouths to feed, as you well know.

See you next time Jack - in God's special forest.