Monday, November 3, 2014


Take every thought captive
I heard I can, I think I can, 
I know I can,  I Am I can 
I can. 

What you think becomes what you are. What you are is where you have been.
Once when I was living in sin I thought my life was over. 
For me, for I , my life, it was only what had been. 

In deepest, darkest sorrow I think, Oh God, what have I done.
The Lord, My God He said, Son of Mine, Oh My Son, 
your life with Me has just begun. 

You think, you say, I can, I can, I know I can. I say it's true for you, you can, yes you can,
only because I Am! 

The Lord God Almighty has said to me, 
My Son, it is My love that has set you free.
Do not look behind, nor even ahead, 
look at Me My Son, look at me instead. 

I Am with you. I Am for you. So yes you can, Oh Yes You Can, My Son. 
Come with Me, come now, come as a young man, you can.